Are you wondering how much staff your catering business needs?

But what’s more? You must work on getting highly skilled staff if you are into catering business which involves direct customer dealings. You need to evaluate properly on the number of staff members required for each job. Few are basic HR tips you should consider for your catering staff.

1. Cooking Staff


The kitchen staff is the main component of any catering business and hence you need to work deeply before starting the hiring procedure. Few key points must be kept in mind as this staff will be solely responsible for the success of the catering business. Document hierarchy as per the size of your business and hire experienced people for senior positions while inexperienced can be hired for junior positions. Your experienced team must include a leading senior chef with some lesser experienced chefs as coworkers. And the inexperienced team may include helpers for your chefs and dishwashers. Also, you need to dedicate a major portion of your budget for cooking staff as they are the ones who actually make your name in the market.

2. Managerial and Customer Services Staff

Another major role in catering business is played by managerial and customer services staff as they are the ones dealing directly with customers. These are the frontline people who represent your name in the market either by direct dealing with customers on-site or through online platforms. So, you need highly skilled and experienced people for this part of your staff for a senior manager while a bit lesser experienced can be hired for storekeepers and cashiers. And keep a good portion of your budget for managerial staff to stay competitive in the market.

3. IT Staff

A successful catering business must require some proper catering app to proceed with your orders and manage your staff as well. Your e-commerce food business is highly dependent on your software performance so make sure to hire professional IT staff to handle such tasks. Reserve a good portion of your budget for IT staff as a bit of error in software may result in losing customers.

4. Floor Staff

You can hire fresh or lesser experienced people for floor staff but make sure to provide them with extensive training for customer dealings. They can make or break your reputation for customers through their behavior. Floor staff usually includes waiters, order takers, house-keepers and guards. And your budget for this part of your staff should be a bit lower but make it competitive enough to capture the market as much as you can.

5. Delivery Staff

You need to hire multiple staff members for delivery services of your food who can work in shifts as per your optimum budget level. As 24 hours’ services are in high demand these days so you need to have multiple staff members working in different shifts. This is a very important part for any ecommerce food business in terms of on-time deliveries containing correct order inside. They are also kind of front-line people who are responsible to deliver desired orders to customers so their training is equally important as of floor staff.


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